Geological exploration
Exploration works are one of the main activities of our enterprise and ensure the maintenance of volumes and optimal structure of mineral reserves, as well as expanded reproduction of the mineral and raw materials base.
The main directions of geological exploration (prospecting, evaluation and exploration of deposits) are determined by the Company’s Development Strategy. These include:
• carrying out geological exploration work within the limits of mining bends to ensure the main production and improve the efficiency of the Company’s operating activities;
• geological prospecting in the territories remote from the main production sites, with the purpose of the most complete realization of the resource potential of the licensed area;
• prospecting, evaluation and exploration of highly liquid raw materials (first-class assets) in the prospective areas of the license area of Mabai.
General organizational and methodological management of the exploration process, planning, control of the execution of work and the geological work itself are carried out by the specialized geological division of our company. In addition, this division performs all types of technological drilling and engineering and geological survey in the license area of Mabai.
All reports on the results of exploration, mineral resources and ore reserves comply with the JORC code standard, which is more widely recognized by regulatory bodies, the investment and financial community around the world.
Stage by stage photographic report
Completing surface exploration work (over 1000 pits, 50 tranches, 1600 geochemistry samples,123km2 of mapping, over 3000 hectares topography)
Geological drilling process
Building 35 km of access roads, 20 bridges and over 70 drilling
Collecting over 6000 samples (including trenches, rocks, soils and drill core samples)